Seven Steps for Website Design

One of the most important aspects of any website is its design. You could get traffic from every single person on the planet and ultimately get them to stop by, but if they don’t like what they see, they’re only coming in once and are not going to come back. This will cause the ultimate failure of your site, so it’s important that you focus on certain design elements to entice visitors.

What exactly do you want your website to be about? If you cannot nail down the goal of your site, you cannot rightly expect anyone else to know what it’s about either. It’s very important that you work on defining your site; only then will you be able to build it per your ultimate vision and convey what you’re trying to.

There are many different companies out there to choose from, and while a lot of them may be similar, that still doesn’t mean that you can get by without using one. The vast competition makes some people think that hosting is some kind of scam. But if you don’t have a place to store your site, you have no site. Make sure you locate a great web host and purchase a good package.

You might not be able to draw. You might really have no idea what you’re looking for at first. But just take a pencil and a piece of paper and think about the aspects of any popular website you’ve been to. Think about the navigation and what’s featured on the page. Before long, you will begin to sketch out certain ways you want your site to look. It will definitely come to you in a hurry. From there, you can make the necessary tweaks.

Writing in a cursive font at only 8pt will cause people to turn and run away, and writing in 72pt bold will make everyone think that you’re screaming at them. Colors too bright won’t focus well on some people’s computers, while black-and-white is really just bland-and-bland. You need to carefully choose the fonts and the colors you’re using. Test and test some more to strike the right balance.

Users definitely seek to interact wherever they can, and this could be through a comments section on your video, through a forum, through some type of game, or through any other medium you can possibly think of. The most important thing here is that you want to allow for interaction on your website. It’s just how popular sites are trending these days.

It’s not enough that you just post some content on your website. It needs to be thoughtful and high-quality content that you can be proud of. There are better things than having your site climb up through the ranks, like having your site be respected by people. Make sure anything you post is of a high quality.

When you leave a post and reference other articles, you’re building a link exchange and you’re earning credibility. Just look at the Huffington Post. This glorified blog won a Pulitzer Prize and the entire site is basically famous for linking to other people’s articles instead of writing their own! Amazing.

Web design doesn’t have to be a tough thing as long as you can follow these tips. It’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it and once you learn your way around the different tools and options you have available.