Being Smart About Your Strategy With Article Marketing

Article marketing can give you wider exposure for your site and your business. It is a very easy way to get traffic, and if you have a strong strategy in place, you will be able to get great results by writing articles related to your niche. Here are some wise things to try when you are marketing with articles.

1. Start on your site. If you want to write articles, the first place you need to publish them is on your own site. You will be sharing your articles with others, but if someone searches for your topic on your page, you want to make sure that the first site that pops up in the results is yours. On your site, you have more freedom to play around with ideas, article lengths, and topics, so it can be a good workroom for you as you become a better writer. All the while, you will be producing content for your own site, and that is good as well.

2. Write high-quality articles that are unique. Think about what your articles contain. Are they of help to readers instead of a long commercial for your product? Have you come up with the words on your own? Are your articles free of errors? Are you proud of the work you did, to the point that you would put your real name on it (even if you use a pen name)? Then you have accomplished what must be accomplished to see great success with article marketing.

3. Stay away from article spinners. A lot of articles will tell you to use article spinners, but the truth is that it is unnecessary to do so. If you are a good writer, or have hired a good writer, you do not need to submit rehashed and reworked articles. You should be able to write more than one article and share that with the world. Most of the time, spun articles sound unnatural, and the learning curve you need to go through in order to get it working is not worth it. Your own articles will be much better.

4. Send your articles to article directories. These directories supply site owners and bloggers with articles on their niche that they may use as long as they give the author credit. This can be great for you, because you don’t have to search for sites to put your articles on. If your writing is good enough, site owners will find you. The important thing to remember with directories, however, is that some people are known to take credit for your article. To avoid this, embed a link to a related page on your site in the article. People who take credit for articles usually copy and paste entirely and will not bother to take your link out. That way, you will still get the “link juice.”

Promoting your site can be simple and fun when you write articles. Use all the tips here, and you will soon see success.