Incorporating Ethics into Your Article Marketing
Today’s article marketing frequently seems to push the envelope on ethical issues such as copying and honesty. Use the tips below as a guide to adhering to your personal ethics while you’re article marketing.
Not all unethical article marketing will be deemed illegal. When it comes to ethics you are trying to do the right thing not just the thing you can get away with. Use your own sense of right and wrong as a guide to determining your ethical standards for article marketing.
It’s easy to find volumes of spun articles which are other people’s work reworded or recomposed to defeat plagiarism programs. While spinning content gets through and thrives on the internet you should examine whether you’re simply rewording or bringing something new to article content that you’re including.
Determine whether your article marketing is using an idea you got from a news report or another person’s article or is actually just rearranging content to beat copyright laws. While getting ideas from other people’s content is rarely an ethical problem since our ideas are always influenced by the world in which we live, rearranging another’s content is frequently unethical.
If your article marketing includes reviews or praise that is not genuine it is not ethical. Whether you’ve paid people to write positive reviews of your business or you’ve written them yourself, phony positive reviews are not ethical.
Using content written by others is not necessarily unethical. From ghost writers to paid writers who compose text as a work for hire, merely having someone else write material that you then use as your own is not necessarily unethical. If you are presenting any writing as your own you should proofread and revise the article to make sure it expresses ideas that you support.
While the idea of duplicate content in internet content has very specific meanings, there are ethical ways you can use duplicate content. These include posting the same article in different versions that suit your different sites such as a specific version for Facebook and another version for your blog.
Duplicate content can be used to remind readers of something else you wrote at a different time that is relevant in your current writing. Even if you receive a complaint from a search engine or your rank is lowered because of duplicate content it doesn’t mean that you engaged in unethical activity it simply means that based on the parameters the search engine uses your content came up as unacceptable.
Being technically accurate but omitting other relevant information in your article writing is unethical when omitted information is obviously relevant to what you’re trying to communicate with your article marketing. Saying you’ve got 98 percent customer satisfaction because you don’t consider people who couldn’t complete purchases or those whose money you had to return as customers would be an unethical statement because in fact you had dissatisfied customers.
With the presence of many articles on the internet you should try to distinguish your article marketing by letting it reflect your commitment to business ethics. Use the tips above to use article marketing as a means of accurately communicating information about your business to customers and potential customers.