Promoting your articles on the internet

A lot of people think that most of the work with article marketing is to write the article and send it somewhere. That is only part of the work that needs to be done. You need to promote your articles so that people will know they are out there. Here are some fun ways to make people head to your article and ultimately head to your site.

1. Use social media to promote your articles. Sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and Tumblr are all great places to start. You amass friends and contacts through common ground as you would do otherwise, and then you take the opportunity to share a link to your article with the title or another compelling reason to click. If you have already done that and want to try something else, you can also try searching these sites for people asking questions about your topic and directly contacting them with a link to your article.

2. Start blogging and link to yourself. If you have a blog, you know how to write already. You also have an outlet already. That means you can link to your own article. You can tell your blog readers why it is important to read your article, and you can offer to answer any questions or comments on the article itself to foster discussion.

3. Start a newsletter for your articles. Everyone checks email these days, and when you start a newsletter, you are given permission to deliver wonderful articles right to their virtual front door. If you are writing a lot of articles, the newsletter gives you an instant place to share them in.

4. Ask friends and family to share your articles. People tend to ignore this kind of thing, because they don’t realize what kind of a rich resource loved ones can be. Families and friends always want to help you out; all you need do is ask. Ask your loved ones to share the link to your article on all the social media sites they frequent. Ask them to be there for you, and they will.

5. Leave comments on prominent blogs. If you know someone has a popular blog, you should use that leverage. Read their blog, and when there is a point that is related to the topic of your article, respond relevantly and post a link to your article. You will find that traffic increases because you have a wider audience than you might have had before.

6. Go offline. You can still pitch articles to trade magazines and other publications. This will give you a benefit that many of your peers lack. Using offline publications to publicize your online articles is a stroke of genius and may even turn into more print work for you.

Getting your writing done is just the first part of article marketing. You need to make sure the word gets out about your article so that people can read it and head off to your site. Keep these tips in mind and they will work for you.