Smart Ways To Market All Of Your Articles Online
When you are dealing with the online world, one of the principal marketing tools available is article writing. Article marketing is easy and can be a fun way to get your site’s name out there to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Here are some clever ways to use article marketing in a way that best benefits you and your website.
1. Come up with a plan. A plan is always a smart idea because it gives you a direction to go in and goals to accomplish. Think about the time frame you want to write articles in, the places you plan to submit them and starter ideas about what you will be writing about. After you create the plan, stick to it. Deviating from your plan before you can evaluate its success will only cause you to waste time.
2. Post your articles on your own website first. When you write articles, keep in mind that whatever is on your site will be indexed by the search engines. It’s important that you realize that you want your site to rank highest for the material you write. Therefore, you need to post your content on your site first. The only time you would not do this is when the place you submit your article to demands that content not be published elsewhere.
3. Avoid using article spinners. While article spinners seem like a good idea at first, often they should not be used. There is a learning curve with article spinners that simply is not worth the time it takes to learn it. Not only that, but you don’t want to have the same old article circulating in 50 different locations. Be judicious about how many places you try to publish something and see what happens.
4. Rewrite your articles and submit them to article directories. Article directories are places where bloggers and other site owners come for content that they did not write themselves. It’s a great idea, except you want to provide a new copy of your article to some of these directories, as they ask for unique work not published anywhere else.
5. Join up with other article writers. You will learn a lot about what you must do in order to be a success and you can ask any question you want. You will be able to get feedback on your writing, and you can support other writers yourself. You can even exchange backlinks with some of the other writers there, which will help your site rank higher in search engine page results and expose you to an all new audience. Be careful to make sure you get quality backlinks that match up with your content. It will not be as effective to place your asthma articles on a site about fly-fishing, as it might be to place them on a site about allergies, for example.
Now you know just of a few of the things you need to know about article marketing. Use these tips to help you boost your exposure and bring even more traffic to your site.