Author Archives: Admin

Home Based Business

Positioning your website to attract internet traffic

How to plan and position your site to attract the right internet traffic The first step in developing your positioning of your website is to isolate the best target market for your product or service that you are offering. It would be more effective if you could focus on a group of prospects with common…

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Home Based Business

Website Promotion

How to plan and coordinate to promote your website to increase ranking in search engines With millions of Internet names and many thousands still being added daily, a new website owner will definitely face a great uphill challenge. Today, more that half of the US adults are already online daily and women makes up 50%…

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Home Based Business

Identifying your targeted website audience

How to sentimentalize and identifying your targeted audience or visitors to your website Big companies and websites have the resources and budget to appeal to all people. Since you might not have the privilege like them, one of the strategies to your success will be to go for a niche. Targeting and segmenting are the…

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Home Based Business

Benefits of having repeat website visitors

The reasons and benefits of having many repeat visitors to your website There are many reasons why you would want to have repeat visitors to your website. If you can have repeat visitors, you can develop a relationship with them and you can get multiple chances of making a sale from them. By providing info…

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Home Based Business

Build promotion into your website

Build promotion into your website Everyone will agree that the process of building the site is the fun part but promoting is not. How often have we heard webmasters complaining “I should have thought about it earlier” when they realized the importance of promotion. Due to the oversight, they will have to go and change…

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Home Based Business

10 Guidelines to develop a successful website

The 10 guidelines to develop a successful Website Define your objectives You should have at least an idea of the people you want to visit your website and why. Define what categories of people you’re targeting and it will be easier for you to move your marketing strategies towards that direction. Targeting the search engines…

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