Establishing Communication With Your Audience On The Internet
Part of a good Internet marketing campaign is to establish communication lines with your audience and get these people to trust you. Read this article to learn more about efficient Internet marketing techniques.
Give people different options to get in touch with you. Create a professional email address and encourage people to send you questions and feedback. Check your email everyday and answer to everyone in a friendly and helpful manner. Your audience could also get in touch with you through social networks, commenting on your blog posts or joining a message board. Keep in mind that your target audience might prefer one way of communication over another depending on their age or on the product you are selling. Certain products are too personal for people to publicly connect with you on social networks while some age groups might prefer sending you a question by tagging you in a tweet instead of writing an email.
Create a positive image for your brand by getting people to identify with it. You could create a message board where customers can interact with each other and find that they have a lot in common. Start discussions on Facebook; posting polls or asking people to comment on a post with their opinion on a product or topic are great ways to get people to interact with you and with each other. As far as Twitter is concerned, check if you have been tagged in any posts every day and answer to these updates.
Write about topics your audience is interested in and create content people will want to share. Reward people for referring their friends to you with prizes and discounts and present your brand as a positive re-enforcement of the image your typical customer has of himself or herself. In other words, people should want to share your content with their friends to improve their image. This strategy works best with teenagers, young adults and products that are representative of a lifestyle. Some products do not have that kind of potential unless you adopt a brand new approach to your industry; this is the case with most hygiene products or medical supplies for instance.
Get people to trust you by creating quality content and signing it with your name. You can mention personal experiences if you think your audience will respond well to this type of content and will relate to what you are talking about. For instance, a middle-age female audience will react positively to you sharing a funny story about your pet or your young children. An audience of 15-25 year old customers to whom you are selling street wear will not. Always remain professional and do not engage in arguments or personal discussions with people. Keep your personal friends and family members away from your online audience.
Use these tips to develop a positive image of yourself and your brand on the internet. Establishing communication with your audience is a great way to get them to identify with your products and view your brand as a lifestyle more than simple products.