Keep Your Mobile Marketing Customer Friendly

The marketing world has been very excited for some time about the potential of mobile marketing and anyone who ignores this trend does so at their own risk. With the number of smart phone users increasing at an incredible rate, mobile marketing offers a whole new way to stay connected with current customers and grow your customer base as well. Here are some great ideas that you can use to make your mobile campaign work for you and your customers.

Make it as simple as possible for your customers to opt in to your mobile market text messaging. You want to make it easy for them to sign up for text messages with special offers or promotions but asking the customer to fill out too much information can be a sure way to lose them. Make your sign up clear and to the point. Give your customers value in every message you send. Provide a link to your mobile website to maximize the chance that your customers will make a purchase on the spot. Smart phone users are showing a positive response to making purchases anywhere they happen to be, if it is fast and convenient.

Add your mobile market messaging opt-in to your regular website, any print campaign and on your product packaging to give your customers multiple opportunities to sign up.

If possible, personalize your messages. Mobile marketing is a great way to build a lasting relationship with your customers and make them more likely to return to make future purchases. Limit your messages to regular business hours and you will avoid interrupting your customer’s dinner or sleep time.

Mobile marketing is all about convenience. If you make it convenient and easy to sign up for your information, make sure to deliver your information in a format that is compatible with the mobile device the customer is using. Fast load times are crucial to keeping your customer engaged. Do not depend on the website design that looks great and loads quickly on a PC to work the same way on a mobile device. Re-design your regular business website to provide a mobile friendly version that places important information so that it is visible on the smaller landscape of smart phones. Avoid background graphics and other images that slow down load time. Adjust the font size for the small screen. It is also a good idea to redesign your blog to be mobile friendly.

Test your design on several of the most popular mobile devices but always think about who your target audience is and what kind of phone they are most likely using. Make your site as user friendly as possible for your intended customers.

Give your customers an easy way to opt out of your mobile campaign. Customers appreciate knowing that they can unsubscribe easily if your products or information no longer meets their needs.

You can see that there are some basic guidelines that you can follow to make your mobile advertising effective for you and appealing to your customers. By using the effective strategies in the article above you can take advantage of the exciting new opportunities available to you through mobile marketing.