Keeping your SEO strategy up to date

A good SEO strategy is essential for the success of your online business and you need to adapt your strategy as your business expands. Read this article to find out how you can keep your SEO strategy up to date.

Get more back-links to the different pages of your site. Keep track of which back-links bring the most traffic to your site and get more similar back-links. You should stay in touch with the webmasters and bloggers who featured your content or posted links to your site and post links to their content regularly. These partnerships can be very profitable, especially if these bloggers or webmasters regularly write on topics related to your products. Keep looking for new sites and blogs designed for your target audience and establish more partnerships.

Some of your back-links might become obsolete and keep bringing traffic to your old pages. You can use a 301 redirection page to bring this traffic to newer pages you want to promote, or update the information on the old pages that are still getting a lot of traffic. If the information on these pages is not obsolete but does not need any more promotion, you can place links on these pages to advertise more recent discounts or direct traffic to your latest updates. You should also check all your back-links regularly to make sure you do not have any broken links. You should set up an error message containing a link to your homepage in case visitors click on a broken link.

You might have to update the keywords you are using. As your products become more popular, your brand might become a keyword or your audience might start using more technical words to look for your products as they become more familiar with these products. You should be able to get a complete list of the keywords your visitors used before they found your site and to compare search volumes on tools such as Google AdWords. If you notice that some of the keywords you have based your SEO strategy on have become obsolete, replace them in your titles, alt tags, and URls. You should also update your anchor texts and meta tags, but do not change all your articles.

Improve the organization of your site as you keep adding more content. You are going to need a good solution to archive your articles. The weekly updates you add to your site or blog are a good way to bring more visitors if you organize these articles so people can easily find information on a specific topic. Add a search bar and organize your articles into categories for instance. You should include links to archived articles in your newer updates and go over the links included in your archived articles to perhaps replace them with links to other related articles.

Use these techniques to keep your SEO strategy up to date and keep bringing more traffic to your site. Keep track of your results so you know which techniques are efficient and which aspects of your strategy need more work.