Your Website Could Rank Higher in Search Results Thanks to SEO
If you have your own online business, you should think about developing a good SEO strategy to get your site to rank higher in search results. Read this article to learn more about search engine optimization techniques.
Use strong keywords throughout your site. You should place up to five different keyword phrases in your text but you can make keywords count by placing them in your titles, alt tags, meta tags and meta description and the anchor text of your links. This is where search engine spiders will look for strong keywords before determining what your pages are about and how relevant their content is. Use Google AdWords to look up keywords and get more details on search volumes and demographics. Make sure you select keywords your target audience will look up. You might have to change your keywords has new trends appear.
You can register your website with most search engines. This means a search engine spider will visit your pages and perhaps index your site, but you should wait until your site is properly optimized before you register it. Search engine spiders will visit your site by themselves once you start getting a decent amount of visitors and once there are some popular back-links on indexed pages. You should not worry about search engine spiders: use a statistic tool to keep track of how often they visit your site and find out where they came from so you can get more similar back-links if necessary.
Your site should be well-organized. If visitors and search engine spiders can navigate your site easily, more pages should be visited. Do your best to provide your visitors with ways to find the information they need and place links to more similar content throughout all your articles. Optimize these links with strong keywords and organize your old articles and pages via an archive. You should also create an XML sitemap thanks to a plugin and upload it on your server. Search engine spiders will use these maps to quickly go through your site, but these maps will not make much of a difference if your site’s navigation is not good in the first place.
Optimize the content search engine spiders cannot interpret. This includes pictures, videos, flash and java script content. You should be able to describe your pictures with alt tags and optimize your videos with a title and a description filled with keywords. Do the same for your flash content. Even though search engine spiders cannot interpret this type of content, it might be a good asset to your overall marketing campaign if your visitors enjoy it. Avoid using java script to create interactive menus since search engine spiders will not be able to access these links. You should also avoid creating a complex design that could confuse search engine spiders: do not use a picture for your background or your header and rely on CSS to keep your code clean.
Do more research about SEO and online marketing. Put together a campaign that is adapted to your audience and your online business.