Tag Archives: search engines

Home Based Business

Create Unique Content to Optimize Your Search Engine Results

Once you have implementing the basics for optimizing your website for search engines, you must constantly update the content of your website. If you do it right, you can become the authority in your field for many customers. Find out how to create content that is unique, informative and accurate. Your articles should be written…

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Home Based Business

Consider Local Business Elements in your Search Engine Optimization Plan

While the internet can connect everyone everywhere there are strong statistics indicating that many people still want to deal with a local business even in cases where dealing with business farther away is a reasonable option. Local marketing campaigns both small and large are also feeding into the trend of supporting local businesses and your…

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Home Based Business

Ad Copy For The Digital Age: Being An SEO Copywriter

If you’ve done work in the field of internet marketing, you’re probably aware that many website owners need large amounts of unique content in order to optimize their sites’ search engine performance. SEO copywriters are freelancers that specialize in providing this content. If you’d like to be one, here are some basic tips to help…

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