Tag Archives: website visitors

Home Based Business

Simple Search Engine Optimization Strategies

How to use simple search engine optimization strategies Millions of websites, blogs and online storefronts compete for Internet users’ time, attention and money. Without search engine optimization, even the most enthusiastic webmaster or site owner would be hard-pressed to stand out from the crowd. Fortunately, many SEO strategies are simple enough to implement in a…

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Home Based Business

Identifying your targeted website audience

How to sentimentalize and identifying your targeted audience or visitors to your website Big companies and websites have the resources and budget to appeal to all people. Since you might not have the privilege like them, one of the strategies to your success will be to go for a niche. Targeting and segmenting are the…

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Home Based Business

Build promotion into your website

Build promotion into your website Everyone will agree that the process of building the site is the fun part but promoting is not. How often have we heard webmasters complaining “I should have thought about it earlier” when they realized the importance of promotion. Due to the oversight, they will have to go and change…

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