Eight Tips to Use when Selecting a Website Domain
When you’re building a website, nothing is quite as important as the domain name you select. There are endless ways to improve the look and the functionality of the site itself, including how it is ranked, but you will be stuck with your domain. Make sure you take care in selecting it.
Purchasing for a long duration of time is important. For starters, let’s say that you have a very popular site and a very catchy domain name. Did you know that some people sit around waiting for it to expire so they can purchase it? If you let it expire in a year, for example, someone may jump on it. So it’s important that you have the name for several years at once. You’ll also save money this way.
If you can afford it and want to cut out some of your competition, you can buy up .net and .org addresses as well. Let’s say that some sneaky business wannabe sees that your site is really successful. He sees YourSuccessfulSite.com and wants to emulate your formula right down to the business name. Well, he can! All he has to do is purchase the .net or .org address. Cover your bases here.
As we talked about above, someone could be sitting on your domain name and waiting for it to expire. Also, you may not be notified that your domain has expired for weeks. In the meantime, if you happen to be away, people browsing for your site won’t be able to find it. This is bad news. You want to avoid this by keeping up with the payments.
Sure, you might be able to remember your incredibly long and hard-to-remember domain. You can just keep a note of it. But what about people browsing your site? Not everyone is going to save it to their favorites. You don’t want a name that your traffic cannot remember easily.
LightingFarts.org and BallKickerRage.com might sound funny to you, but these types of domain names come across as childish and vulgar to the public at large. If you want people to take your site seriously, then you need to be a professional. This means no immature or vulgar domains.
Every company out there has different rules and regulations regarding the use of a domain. You better make sure what the company’s rules are. You’d hate to set everything up and to have everything going well only to find out from a cancelled domain that you somehow broke regulation #491! A little research can prevent this.
Sometimes you may really want a great name that does your site justice but you find that it’s already taken. Well, you can definitely put this on back order. You can become one of those guys we talked about up top. You can pounce on a name when it becomes available.
Over the course of your time with a website and with SEO, you will find that a domain name is incredibly important. Use these tips to make sure that you’re always able to find the best possible domain name and service available to you.