Help Identify Your Brand with Your Web Hosting Service
Tracking down which web hosting service a particular site uses can be a difficult task. Today there are new websites and businesses that help you identify which web hosting service is being used by a particular site. With this new capability, business owners can utilize available information about their web hosts to help identify their brands. Use the tips below to choose a web host provider that supports your business.
In addition to assessing the features and options and costs of your web hosting service, business people today should consider how the web hosting service itself is marketing its brand and whether that marketing message supports some aspect of your own business message.
Consider the marketing message you’re trying to get across to customers and potential customers in terms of such things as wonderful customer service or a commitment to supporting green energy. Use these criteria in assessing your web hosting company.
If your business marketing efforts include a commitment to connecting with other businesses you support by carrying well-chosen affiliate advertisers, there are web hosting companies that give you incentives for advertising their services through the promise of payments for customers who come to them through your site. You web hosting company’s efforts to use affiliate marketing mirrors your own commitment to this type of marketing.
If you’re a company supporting the US economy by hiring and using services in the US you will likely seek a web hosting company that does not outsource either its technical support or customer service. New search devices that allow customers to identify your website’s web host means that you won’t want to risk having non-US customer service from your web hosting company flying in the face of your commitment to the US economy. Cynical customers lose confidence in companies for any variety of reasons and hypocrisy in terms of saying you do one thing and doing another is a likely way to lose customers.
Consider whether your company advertises a commitment to going green. If your company is committed to green energy and other efforts to preserve the earth, consider using a web hosting company that also advertises its commitment to going green.
Determine your web hosting company’s reputation for security. In addition to the headaches that security problems can create for your business in terms of whether your site is affected or in terms of the potential time your site will be down if your web hosting company has to fix problems from security failures, you want to be able to stand behind promises to protect your customers’ information from email to phone numbers to credit cards.
Your commitment to your customers’ privacy should be reflected in your choice of web hosts. Blaming the server gets old for many customers who are dissatisfied with your customer service in some way.
Today’s tools make it easier for customers to identify which web hosts are supporting a website. Use this new capability to use web hosts that support your business marketing message by using the tips above.