How to Recognize a Good Web Hosting Solution
The success of your website depends on the quality of the web hosting service you select. This article will help you recognize the best plans available.
Look for a up-time of 99.9% and find out when the downtime occurs. Web hosts have to maintain and upgrade their servers once in a while, which corresponds to the 0.01% of downtime. If you find a service with more downtime than this, expect to encounter technical difficulties on a regular basis. You also need to find out when maintenance and upgrades are made: if your site is not available during your busiest hours, you could miss out on a lot of sales. Look for a web host that upgrades servers in the middle of the night and notifies you in advance when maintenance is needed.
Call the customer service of the web host you are interested in. Ask questions about different plans and the equipment. Select a host with a quality customer service: you should be able to talk to someone on the phone right away and get concrete answers to your questions. You will lose a lot of time if your host does not have a good customer service or if the technicians you talk to are not qualified enough to help you. Look for reviews to find out which web hosts have the best customer service.
Storage space is an important feature of your plan. You might think that storage space should not influence your decision since your site is very small. But keep in mind that your site will quickly grow as you add more content to it, especially pictures or videos. If you do not want to purchase a lot of storage space now, look for a web hosting service that will let you upgrade your plan easily when you need to.
You also need to pay attention to the amount of bandwidth allowed. Purchase an amount of bandwidth that corresponds to your needs and make sure you can use this bandwidth any way and any time you want. Some web hosts will grant you a lot of bandwidth during the less busy hours of the night and restrict it during the day when visitors are likely to come to your site. Read the small prints carefully and choose a service that will let you upgrade to a plan with more bandwidth if you need to.
Your web hosting service should be at least a few years old and have a good reputation. Do some background research to find out more about the other sites hosted on these servers. If offensive or illegal sites are hosted along with yours, the I.P. address of your server will be blocked by search engines and internet users. Make sure you select a web host with a strict policy about the content of the sites hosted.
Keep these tips in mind when you look for a web hosting solution. Take the time to compare all your options and do some research before you subscribe to a plan.