Selecting The Best Web Hosting Service
Hosting your site with a quality service is important. Read this article to learn more about what to look for in a web hosting service.
What is the uptime of your web hosting service? The uptime of a service corresponds to the amount of time during which servers were online. Occasionally, servers have to be shut down for maintenance. If you see an uptime that is under 99.9%, you might be looking at a web hosting service that experiences technical difficulties on a regular basis. You also need to find when the downtime occurred; make sure you are subscribing to a service that will schedule maintenance at times where your site is not likely to get many visitors.
Give a call to the customer service to find out how easy it is to talk to a representative and how qualified these technicians are. A low quality customer service could become a real problem; if your server is down and you cannot get in touch with anyone to help you get your site back online, you could lose a lot of customers. Besides, you might need help to upload your site or make changes to your account. Read reviews about different customer service departments and select a web host with a solid help and support solution.
Purchase a plan with enough storage space. Most new sites do not exceed 10MB, but a site can quickly grow as you add more pages or upload pictures and videos to your server. Get enough storage space for your site to grow in the next year or so. Consider upgrading to a better plan with more storage space if you keep adding more content to your site. Avoid signing up for a web host that limits the kind of content you can upload on your server.
Select a plan with enough bandwidth to accommodate your average number of visitors. Look for a web host that offers a fair amount of bandwidth with no restrictions on its use and no extra charges in case you use more bandwidth than allotted. Do not underestimate the amount of bandwidth needed or you might lose customers. If possible, purchase a plan with unlimited bandwidth so you do not have to worry about keeping track of your number of visitors and anticipating when you will have to upgrade your plan to get more bandwidth.
If you are not familiar with HTML or any other languages, you will need a web host that supports blogging plugins so you can create your site by combining several elements. A lot of web hosts offer their own plugins; read reviews and test these plugins before you decide which one you want to use. You can also use a plugin such as WordPress and install it on your server. Do not pay any extra money for this feature; compare different plans to find the best blogging option if you plan on developing your site with a plugin.
Apply the tips from this article to select a good web hosting solution. Compare different services and choose one adapted to your needs and budget.