Ten Questions To Ask Your Prospective Web Host

Websites have become a vital an integral part of doing business in the modern economy. As important as your website may be to your day to day operations, it seems logical that your choice of web host is equally important. If your website crashes constantly or cannot handle the volume required by your business from a customer’s perspective, it is almost worse than having no website at all. Given this vital choice, this article presents you with ten questions to ask when choosing a host for your web services.

The first question to ask is whether or not there are good, user generated reviews for your prospective host. The web has forums for nearly everything. Search for user generated reviews on your prospective host and try and get in contact with the user that left the review. This would allow you to ask specific questions and ensure that the review is genuine.

Secondly, are billing and payment services completely automated? Depending on your particular needs, you may want to maintain your independence from automated billing, or you may want to have it to make your business dealings easier.

How often to outages occur with this prospective host? Most web hosts will provide information on up time and down time to their clients. This information is invaluable in comparing hosts as it makes it immediately evident which is the best performer.

Is there any mention of your prospective host in web-hosting outage forums? Looking for your web host on forums will provide you with information on customer service and outage histories. Do your research before you make a commitment.

What are your alternatives? What companies provide comparable service at a comparable price? By making a list of prospective companies, you can decide which one serves your needs best. Also, by telling one company you are going with another, you may be able to get a matching deal or discount.

In your dealings with this host, how easy has communication been? A company’s customer service is typically indicative of their stance as a whole. If they are unresponsive in your initial inquiries, chances are they will remain so after you sign a contract.

Is there any benefit to registering your domain through the host, or should you do it interdependently? Sometimes web hosts charge outrageous fees for this service, other times they offer it for free. You should figure out what this expense would be doing it both ways.

How often does this host back up your site? Self-explanatory. More often is better. Does the prospective host require payment in advance? If so, how many months do they require? Does this host require a minimum length of service? Do they require you to pay a penalty if you leave?

When choosing a web host, it is important to remember that the cheapest option is not always the best. Given the importance of your website, you may place far more value on quality and reliability than on saving a few dollars per month. By asking the questions contained in this article, you should be able to make a more informed choice in your search for the right web host.