Positioning your website to attract internet traffic

How to plan and position your site to attract the right internet traffic

The first step in developing your positioning of your website is to isolate the best target market for your product or service that you are offering. It would be more effective if you could focus on a group of prospects with common characteristics and having similar needs. Start by defining on paper your ideal visitors or customers. Be sure to list the characteristics that will make your product or service valuable to them. Then narrow down this list by listing the opposite, the characteristics and people who should not be at your site. Lastly use both of these lists to identify your positioning and your target market.

You should be able to describe your entire site and your key positioning in a sentence or less. Stay focus on your site in a single-minded way with only one objective. Become an expert in your field and stick with your area of expertise. Try to offer only a few related product lines, and reserve your diversification for new websites connected by hyperlinks. Focusing means doing one thing and doing it well. Having one great website is better than having 10 mediocre sites.

How to determine your focus and positioning?

There are 6 key areas that you will need to emphasize when trying to determine your focus and positioning for your website –

  1. Who are you targeting as your visitors?
  2. What will your site do for your visitors?
  3. Why would surfers want to access your website and what makes them want to seek you out?
  4. Where can a surfer find you and upon whose recommendations or referral?
  5. When is the best and optimal time to reach your target market?
  6. How will it really benefit your visitors or customers life?

The above areas should be used as the focus in your traffic building strategy and as an ongoing checklist to ensure that you could stay focus and not deviate. They should control all the traffic-building promotional tools you intend to use.

Before creating your website, ask yourself with the following questions

  • Why are you building this website?
  • How would you want your visitors to react and what action to take?
  • What do you want your visitors to benefit out of your website?
  • How is it going to help your visitors meet or advance his goals?
  • How do you want your visitors to feel after visiting your website?

Compare your answers with the information you’ve listed for the 6 key areas and if they are synchronized, then you’re well on your way to a focused and profitable website.